Abstract Watercolor Painting

Recently, I've been feeling very drained and burned out which led to more experimentation with a "loose" painting style since I was too lazy to really plan a proper composition or detailed realistic painting. Abstract art (in my own POV) is basically art that conveys a strong mood or atmosphere rather than conveying the actual subject. Subjects are always gestured in abstract paintings and never fully completed or painted in detail.

Here's an example of something I painted the other day in my journal:

A quick painting of a Black-Eyed Susan in a loose abstract style

Painting in this style was uplifting and allowed more freedom in my strokes. I have been extremely stressed, tired and frustrated lately so this type of painting really allows me to not care as much in terms of where I place my brush or where to place pigment. Loosening up my watercolor paintings is still a great challenge for me and for anyone who usually follows my work - you'll see exactly what I mean. I love details! I love clean and crisp compositions in my artwork but abstract art is really the opposite of all those traits.

Hopefully I'll continue to improve the abstract side of my artwork. 

This painting was born out of frustration. I call this one "Flutter" and I'm quite surprised at how it turned out!

This painting was born out of frustration. I call this one "Flutter" and I'm quite surprised at how it turned out!

Unfortunately, it is 4am EST here now and I still seem to have sleep issues. Hope everyone has a good night or good morning! 

What do you think of "abstract" art? Do you prefer more cleaned up compositions? Let me know in the comments below!